Monday, May 30, 2011

Why is it so difficult?

Why is it difficult to see your loved ones die, when we know death is certain...

Why is it difficult to forget the pain received due to someone else’s mistake, when we know forgiveness is great...

Why is it difficult to lose faith & trust on humanity, when we see our people doing evil...

Why is it difficult to maintain eye contact with friends after the break-up, when you know matches are made in heaven...

Why is it difficult to correct your teacher when its wrong, when you know knowledge is no ones ownership...

Why is it difficult to adopt a child, when we know it’s great to make a life than creating one...

Why is it difficult to accept mistakes, when we know apologies make you more stronger...

Why is it difficult to share money, happiness & smile, when we know it doubles the more we give...

Why is it difficult to speak the truth, when we know we are not what we pretend to...

Why is it difficult to compliment our competitors, when we know the race is long...

Why is it difficult to accept the fact that it was not worth me, when we know it’s the matter of luck...

Why is it difficult to stop them moving out of your life, when you know they are worth being a part of your life...

Why is it difficult to ask someone to stop loving, when you know it just happens...

Friday, May 13, 2011

Google IO – Day 2 Keynote

Google IO second day was about the web and thus to Chrome and Chrome HTML5 OS.

Web GL: It brings graphics and animations in the browser display and accelerates all hardware. Impressive demos showcased: Thousands rendered sprites, 3d landscapes and even editors to create 3D content on the Web.
Best part of this technology - Angry Birds now on web for free in Chrome Webstore. Have fun, but don’t play in office!
Speech to text on the Web: Using only a single attribute, it is possible for speech to text in web applications. We shall soon see many text boxes on the Internet with Speech logo. It’s a big step towards web accessibility!

Payment API for Chrome Webstore: The new payment method for the webstore will be easier for users and developers. Easy shopping with "one click" in the webapp. For developers, it is only a single line of code (Java Script) and this payment method is also possible in webapps in-app Purchases. Developers have to share 5% of their sales to Google.

Chromebook: Chrome OS with perfect combination of Google's Cloud OS was the big new. Samsung and Acer will be launching Chromebook based on chrome OS having unbelievable boot up in 8 seconds, costing $499. Its impressive to see how many activities which were done with a native client will soon be available on the Web. Working the same way and can still be made available offline. Google has open API for Web application development with the opportunity to be so well integrated into the system.

Google IO this year was not about any new innovative products like Wave or Buzz, but many new features and enhancements of existing products. Let wait to watch where Android and Chrome OS fit well in.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Lets ask Questions

Questions make us think deep

Questions help clear vision

Questions change perception towards looking at things

Questions make us angry

Questions generate happiness

Questions make us stand out of the crowd

Questions make us wonder

Questions help in finding answer to some other question

Questions bring back memories

Questions generate ideas

Questions challenge us

Questions defines a problem

Questions resolve conflict

Questions make love

Questions make things clear

Questions define who and how we are

My message is “No Question is ever foolish, only an answer could be. Don’t be scared to ask questions… its always worth it. ”

PS: Pic is of my friends lovely daughter. This post is inspired by her. She can have 5 questions in 2 minutes for U

Google I/O: Day 1 Keynote takeaways

Android growth rate : 100 million activated Android devices. 400,000 new Android devices activated every day. In all 200,000 free and paid applications available in Android Market

Android everywhere strategy: Based on this strategy, Google launched an Android@Home, which allows Android apps to discover, connect and communicate with appliances and devices in your home.

Android Open Accessory: These are set of API which will help developers start building new hardware accessories that will work across all Android devices. Hardware and software will be released in a reference design so Android can be plugged into fitness equipment, robots and other devices.

Ice Cream Sandwich: Android Ice Cream Sandwich is Honeycomb 3.1 and was an effort to create one OS experience and interface across multiple devices. Ice Cream Sandwich will bring everything we love about Honeycomb on tablet to phone, including the holographic user interface, more multitasking, the new launcher and richer widgets.

Multimedia cloud service: Google launched Music Beta , a new service that lets users to upload personal music collection to the cloud for streaming to computer and phones. Added Movies for rent to Android Market. Users can rent from Android Market on the web, and soon will be rolling out to Verizon XOOM customers.

Updates for a wide range of devices: Google is working to get tighter with partners to create a better experience. Open Handset Alliance, are working together to adopt guidelines for how quickly devices are updated after a new platform release, and also for how long they will continue to be updated.

Finally Android 3.1 will be Open sourced and will be scaling up to Google TV later this year. Day 1 was less of surprises but indeed it brought a smile to all the Google IO attendees as they all became proud owners of Samsung Galaxy tablet.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mobile games going social

Mobile games going Social

Thanks to Silicon India for inviting me to talk at Gaming Conference India 2011.

My talk was categorized into 3 parts:

Started off with the market app statistics and prediction for mobile gaming. Listed down few of the mobile games developer’s challenges.

Then shared the mantra of how adding social element in mobile gaming apps can help overcome few of the challenges. Moved on by giving few of the social ingredients need to be included to make a great mobile social game.

Finally few words about the company I work for and few tips from our experiences being in this mobile industry for more than 10 years. What amazed me was audience getting excited after sharing Teleca’s E2E mobile gaming solution. As I promised on the stage here’s the link for the entire White paper.

My key message was “build apps which either saves time or kills time, and what could be best then the combination of social with gaming”