This is an answer to a question “Why should I live ?”
This is an answer to a question “Why do u live ?”
This is an answer to everyone’s beautiful living
This is an answer to every breath that we take.
Live for what you are yet to receive
Live for the friends you will get
Live for the jokes you still wait to hear
Live for the beautiful travels you are still to make
Live for everything you are not sure about, as it will still challenge your being
Life for tomorrow’s sunrise
Live for the gifts you are yet to receive
Live for the riddles you haven’t yet solved
Live for all your unanswered questions
Live for all your lost battles, as they are your precious lessons
Live for your enemies, as they are there to give birth to you forgiveness
Live for all the ambitious goals you’ve set
Live for the smiles you get every day
Live for the smiles you give every day
Live for all the great ideas you will have tomorrow
Live for tomorrow’s surprises
Live for all the nice words you haven’t yet said to your loved ones
Live for all the books you haven’t yet read
Live for all the unborn challenges you still have to face
Live for all the stories you haven’t yet heard, written or imagined
Live for all your unfulfilled dreams
Live for every single second, as this is all you have, only this infinite second
I am living my life to witness miracles…