Sunday, December 22, 2013

Let your fears be you’re Secret Santa

I am sure it’s the time when most of you’ll are playing Secret Santa with your family, friends & colleges. This game brings in lots of excitement & unbelievable surprises each time I play it!

My team at work decided to play this game in a slightly different style. We asked all the team members to write their name along with one of the fear which they want to overcome in the coming year of 2014.
The game goes like this: The Secret Santa will surprise his or her angle with gifts, acts and messages every day & will also assure that they will help in overcoming their fear. To my surprise this tweak in the game brought in some unusual realizations, fun, positivity, energy & bonding in the team.

This week was when the Secret Santa game was played. We all gathered at Pinxx, amazing dishes surrounded us. As we all 13 members were sited around a high dinner table…the fun evening was just about to begin.
We started off the game by letting members guess each other’s fears. Few guess were:
-       Fear of Manager
-       Fear of bad health
-       Fear of Girlfriends anger
-       Fear of going late home
-       Fear of talking about their age
-       Fear of expression
The thing that amazed me about this guessing game was as members went on guessing each others fear – for the first time not one but almost all were laughing over the fears. Generally we have seen people scared, shy, embarrassed when it comes to talking about fears..but this was something different. Could you believe that here was this table with bunch of young professional LOL on the topic of fear?

After all the laughter and tasting yummy deserts it was time to get serious & play the secret santa game. Each one had to talk about the angel for whom he/she is the santa..let the team guess the name, gift their angel, read out their angels fear-give a suggestion & assure that they will be around for the rest of the year helping overcome the fear.
The kind of fears that were read out:
-       Fear of losing the one they love
-       Fear of water
-       Fear of being extrovert & talking to people
-       Fear of Obesity
-       Fear of Drinking & Driving
-       Fear of Performing 

My Gift from Secret Santa
Fear is an emotion which is permanently embedded into the mind of a human being. If we remove this emotion from this world, then there would be total chaos in the society. It’s a protective instinct which shields us from dangers. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. My thought is becoming fearless isn't the point. It’s learning to control your fear, and how to be free from it.

Fear is already a part of you. Declare it and celebrate it. Infact, use it.
Inspiring: Entrepreneurs, the artists, the risk takers live with fears and make better use of it. They accept the fact that there is a danger and risk, and moving further ahead may result in crisis. But guess what? They absolutely love it! They accept failure as a part of life, and play with fears. They use this fear to conquer more ground. They are not afraid of this primitive emotion, but make it their closest friend.

Let your fear be your Secret Santa, let it surprise you each day, Embrace it! At the end you have a beautiful gift waiting for you.
Embrace the fear and feel lucky about it. If you fear something, then trust your mind, and be assured that you are onto something exciting. All you need to do is, divert the flow of energy. At the end, you will feel good about it. Give it a try, and see what happens!
Merry Christmas & Wish you all a Happy New Year!

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