Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Rational Software Conference 09 - Day 1

Tools can make SDLC agile and economic, IBM Rational Software are the major players. Rational software Conference 09 witnessed 5000 registration for 2 days held at Leela palace on 13th – 14th Aug 09.

Steve Robinson - Real Insights, Real Results: Introduced the contribution of JAZZ an open source forum. He says if all project follow CAR (Collaborate – Automate – Report) framework they will be agile & scaleable

Heyden Lindsey – Driving innovation today: Rational innovation is Smart planet & smarter products. Success with innovation in any project can be achieved by understanding business goals then looking for collection of frameworks & available tools, knowing how to deploy them and lastly selecting meaningful matrix to measuring the performance.

We see lots of software innovations in the area of Electronics, Automation & Aerospace. Cloud computing has 2 sides - on cloud service and service for cloud

On cloud service is where software’s are installed in the cloud and many can access it.

Service for cloud is when a operation is exposed as a service.

Grady Booch – S/W a key to Smart Planet : UML author started with an example, A software which could before hand predict Cyclone or Katrina which will occur. We need technology to change, want it to be a bit smarter which could store huge data, share data and have competency in market.

Lab on Rhapsody 7.5: A tool which will translate UML model language to code.

Lab1: Hello world program by drawing a Class diagrams and writing only 1 line of code.

Lab 2: Build a stop watch

It’s a Model – Driven & UML development

Enables design level debugging having benefit of product & quality

Rational software Architecture is used to build Java based web application from a UML

Lab on AppScan 7.1: A tool to test Web Application Security.

OWASP reports SQL & XSS Injection the highest level of attacks

Lab 1: Hacking cookies information

Lab 2: SQL Injection

Lab 3: XSS Injection

It exposes the security vulnerabilities on URL basis, gives recommendations to resolve.

Session on JCAP: Java code Analyze Program

Developers can automatically inspect their Java source code and improve their Java programming skills as they write their programs via JCAP. It provides descriptive Java patterns explaining error prone code constructs and providing solutions for it.

It checks:

  • conformance to coding standards,
  • misuse of the Java language,
  • best practice conformance
  • code structure and
  • potential bugs at the earliest stages of development.

Session on Ration Clear Case Remote Client 7.1: A software configuration management tool. Has atomic commit, scheduler for build and an option to pick the version of the file. Can share a branch, has bulk checking & checkout option, view update, find merge, new project changes, cross project changes,

Build type: - triggered, scheduled, nightly and build-forge

Give us work from home option, disconnected, can be used in LAN environment, supports web view, notification when the view is updated.

Day 2: Upcoming post....