I have been receiving lots of compliments throughout my life.
Trust me …..half the time or to be very frank every time I never took them seriously.
But I don’t know why, this compliment of my friend from my organization actually made me think and believe it
He said
“ I want a life like Bhavya in my next birth”
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh my god
Till now I never knew that god has gifted me such a beautiful life.
I don’t want to say much …..but just wanted to thank God through this Post
“Thanks a Tone Dear, i will always keep it beautiful ”
Its like this image – Every one has a different perception at looking at things.
The fact is gods creation is marvelous; let it be Nature or living beings life - Lets just treasure and value it
Trust me …..half the time or to be very frank every time I never took them seriously.
But I don’t know why, this compliment of my friend from my organization actually made me think and believe it
He said
“ I want a life like Bhavya in my next birth”
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh my god
Till now I never knew that god has gifted me such a beautiful life.
I don’t want to say much …..but just wanted to thank God through this Post
“Thanks a Tone Dear, i will always keep it beautiful ”
Its like this image – Every one has a different perception at looking at things.
The fact is gods creation is marvelous; let it be Nature or living beings life - Lets just treasure and value it